What’s the point of a great outdoor living space if you don’t have great outdoor furniture to go with it? We hit Etsy to find five awesome outdoor furniture
5 Outstanding Outdoor Furniture Pieces You Can Buy From EtsyRead More
Christopher Smith is a freelance writer when he’s not sampling the best cuisine in his hometown of New York City. Prior to that, he worked in film and television post-production, and counts the honor of working with Eartha Kitt among his milestones.
Christopher Smith is a freelance writer when he’s not sampling the best cuisine in his hometown of New York City. Prior to that, he worked in film and television post-production, and counts the honor of working with Eartha Kitt among his milestones.
By // by Christopher Smith
What’s the point of a great outdoor living space if you don’t have great outdoor furniture to go with it? We hit Etsy to find five awesome outdoor furniture
5 Outstanding Outdoor Furniture Pieces You Can Buy From EtsyRead More
By // by Christopher Smith
Tis the season for decorations and holiday cheer. Here’s how to decorate your home in a way that won’t make you the next Clark Griswold.
How to Tastefully Decorate Your Home for the HolidaysRead More
By // by Christopher Smith
If you or a loved one has a disability, you may need to make your current or next home more accessible. Here are some suggestions for an accessible home.
By // by Christopher Smith
If you travel during the holidays, you can’t help but worry that your home will remain safe while you’re gone. We’ve got some tips of things you can do before you leave.
Things to Do Before You Leave Home for the HolidaysRead More
By // by Christopher Smith
These 5 tiles can add some eco-friendly flair to make your home both chic and “green.”
By // by Christopher Smith
As you shop for new home furniture, you’ve got an eye for something a little different. We’ve got 5 eye-catching pieces from Etsy—all made from reclaimed wood.
The Revolution of Reclaimed Home Furniture Thanks to EtsyRead More
By // by Christopher Smith
From small gadgets to major appliances, we’ve got 5 products that will make your kitchen the smartest on the block.
By // by Christopher Smith
Ready for your home to be like “The Jetsons”? We’re not there yet but with these five smart home devices, you can get your home pretty close.
By // by Christopher Smith
How many times have you stepped on loose Legos lying around? Check out new Lego-compatible furniture from Italy may provide the perfect solution.
Legos May Be the Missing Piece of Fabulous Your Home NeedsRead More